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Whois v1.36

Domain check
Is a domain name still free? Looking for a fancy name?
Find out with this domain name check.
It's a gateway to the WHOIS databases of the domain name authorities,
so the answers are always 100% up-to-date and accurate.
WHOIS servers
The program will automatically select a WHOIS server from this
*.ac | whois.nic.ac |
*.ae | whois.nic.ae |
*.ag | whois.nic.ag |
*.ai | whois.ai |
*.am | whois.amnic.net |
*.as | whois.nic.as |
*.at | whois.nic.at |
*.au | whois.aunic.net |
*.be | whois.dns.be |
*.br | whois.registro.br |
*.bz | whois.belizenic.bz |
*.ca | whois.cira.ca |
*.cc | whois.nic.cc |
*.ch | whois.nic.ch |
*.ck | whois.ck-nic.org.ck |
*.cl | whois.nic.cl |
*.cn | whois.cnnic.net.cn |
*.cx | whois.nic.cx |
*.cz | whois.nic.cz |
*.de | whois.denic.de |
*.dk | whois.dk-hostmaster.dk |
*.ee | whois.eenet.ee |
*.eu | whois.eu |
*.fr | whois.nic.fr |
*.gg | whois.gg |
*.gs | whois.adamsnames.tc |
*.hk | whois.hkirc.net.hk |
*.hm | whois.registry.hm |
*.hu | whois.nic.hu |
*.id | whois.netzone.web.id |
*.ie | whois.domainregistry.ie |
*.il | whois.isoc.org.il |
*.in | whois.ncst.ernet.in |
*.io | whois.nic.io |
*.ir | whois.nic.ir |
*.is | whois.isnet.is |
*.it | whois.nic.it |
*.je | whois.je |
*.jp | whois.jprs.jp |
*.ke | whois.kenic.or.ke |
*.kr | whois.nic.or.kr |
*.la | whois.afilias-grs.net |
*.li | whois.nic.li |
*.lt | whois.domreg.lt |
*.lu | whois.dns.lu |
*.lv | whois.nic.lv |
*.mn | whois.nic.mn |
*.ms | whois.adamsnames.tc |
*.mx | whois.nic.mx |
*.nl | whois.domain-registry.nl |
*.no | whois.norid.no |
*.nu | whois.nic.nu |
*.nz | whois.srs.net.nz |
*.pl | whois.dns.pl |
*.re | whois.nic.re |
*.ro | whois.rotld.ro |
*.ru | whois.ripn.net |
*.se | whois.nic-se.se |
*.sg | whois.nic.net.sg |
*.sh | whois.nic.sh |
*.si | whois.arnes.si |
*.st | whois.nic.st |
*.tc | whois.adamsnames.tc |
*.tf | whois.nic.tf |
*.th | whois.thnic.net |
*.tk | whois.dot.tk |
*.tm | whois.nic.tm |
*.to | whois.tonic.to |
*.tr | whois.nic.tr |
*.tv | whois.nic.tv |
*.tw | whois.twnic.net |
*.ua | whois.net.ua |
*.ug | whois.co.ug |
*.uk | whois.nic.uk |
*.us | whois.nic.us |
*.vg | whois.adamsnames.tc |
*.ws | whois.worldsite.ws |
*.aero | whois.information.aero |
*.asia | whois.nic.asia |
*.biz | whois.neulevel.biz |
*.cat | whois.cat |
*.com | whois.internic.net |
*.coop | whois.nic.coop |
*.edu | whois.internic.net |
*.gov | whois.nic.gov |
*.info | whois.afilias.info |
*.int | whois.iana.org |
*.jobs | jobswhois.verisign-grs.com |
*.mil | whois.nic.mil |
*.mobi | whois.dotmobiregistry.net |
*.museum | whois.museum |
*.name | whois.nic.name |
*.net | whois.internic.net |
*.org | whois.publicinterestregistry.net |
*.pro | whois.registrypro.pro |
*.travel | whois.nic.travel |
| |
*.au.com | whois.au.com |
*.ac.uk | whois.ja.net |
*.eu.org | whois.eu.org |
*.gov.uk | whois.ja.net |
*.br.com | whois.centralnic.com |
*.cn.com | whois.centralnic.com |
*.de.com | whois.centralnic.com |
*.eu.com | whois.centralnic.com |
*.gb.com | whois.centralnic.com |
*.gb.net | whois.centralnic.com |
*.hu.com | whois.centralnic.com |
*.jpn.com | whois.centralnic.com |
*.kr.com | whois.centralnic.com |
*.no.com | whois.centralnic.com |
*.qc.com | whois.centralnic.com |
*.ru.com | whois.centralnic.com |
*.sa.com | whois.centralnic.com |
*.se.com | whois.centralnic.com |
*.se.net | whois.centralnic.com |
*.uk.com | whois.centralnic.com |
*.uk.net | whois.centralnic.com |
*.us.com | whois.centralnic.com |
*.uy.com | whois.centralnic.com |
*.web.com | whois.centralnic.com |
*.za.com | whois.centralnic.com |
| |
[ip-address] | whois.arin.net |
Known problems
- Not all countries have a whois server. Sometimes because I don't know,
but usually because there simply isn't any.
- Some whois servers have a limit to the number of queries per day.
They look at the ip-address of the computer making the query. This
script is running on a server with a fixed ip-address, so when it's
used a lot it may trip a limit.
- The output can be difficult to read for novices.
It's a big pity that Whois data is not standardized and therefore
cannot be easily reformatted.
The program
Would you like to use this Domain Name Check on your own website?
You can! The program is available for free.
The program is a PHP script, a very popular and common scripting language,
supported by most providers.
Download Whois-1.36.zip for all servers (23kb)
Download the zip, extract, and upload to your webserver. That's all!
No configuration necessary.
If you want you can change the look of the program, simply edit the
files with a flat-text editor (such as Notepad).
Please leave the copyright statements intact.
See also
- Universal "Who Is" for internet domains. Can search a name in
multiple top-level domains in a single go. I don't think they actually
use whois (despite their name), but in fact use DNS instead.
Root-Zone Whois Information
- List of all the country registrars by IANA.
- The official country codes abbreviations (ISO 3166).
- Homepage of ICANN (The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers),
the organization that implements top-level domainnames
(gTLDs, generic top-level domains).
- This program uses the Net_IDNA library by PHlyLabs.
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